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大家不要去这家会计师楼,收费很贵,办公室很脏乱,而且老板娘Serina Moy也很不专业不负责。一个很简单的税表她要搞好几个小时,期间她还一直在很大声的和其他客人聊天,聊好几个小时不工作,你催她她就一边聊天一边说她忙,神气的不得了。她旁边的员工都是在她大嗓门的聊天中皱着眉头工作,其中一个员工私下和我讲,其实只要老板娘去最后检查一下其他员工已经做好的税表,按理不该超过一小时,不知道这老板娘是不是闲聊上瘾几小时都不工作,浪费客人时间。另外这位福建出生香港长大的老板娘,说她很不喜欢中国人,去了几次我的税表她也没搞定,每次都听到她在说中国人不好,中国人欺负她,中国人只知道钱什么都不懂,还不停炫耀她几十年前的一些经历,既然这么不喜欢我们中国人,何必做我们的生意呢?忍无可忍我去了别家会计师楼,一小时内会计师就把我的税表做好了,并且办公室很整洁安静,会计师也不会不停的试图和你尬聊。最后建议大家,不想给自己找不痛快,不要去这家不专业不负责的会计楼。
It's been one year since United Stone Cabinetry completed remodeling of our kitchen. Our family is very satisfied with what's been promised and delivered. We chose in-store cabinets in two colors - white (standard) and gray (custom) along with quartz countertops. United Stone designed and installed the cabinets, and worked closely with the fabricator to get a unique waterfall look as can be seen in the photos. Our kitchen is one of the larger ones with good appliances, and United Stone did a great job of putting it all together. Mike has a ton of experience and zeal to make customer successful. His sense of ownership takes project all the way to a good finish. They are a small business who are working hard on multiple projects. Though full service, the engagement comes with some elements so they can stay efficient. If you are not shy of communicating well, these guys deliver a lot of value and stretch the buck. I highly recommend United Stone!