永发,全华府最差最烂的餐馆非他莫属!叉烧酥的馅料是馊的,向服务生反应后,一个老头经理出现,令人难以置信的是,他居然抓起我们吃剩的叉烧酥塞进自己嘴里,然后说他吃没问题,东西没坏!我的天,当时惊呆了,他应该平时没少练习吃屎的技能。服务态度如此恶劣,吃不下去了,结账后他居然敢腆着脸怒斥我们没给小费,辱骂不给小费就不要出来吃饭。这样的人我是头一次见到,小费不是没给,给了几毛钱,他这样给客人吃馊饭还粗鲁撒野的混蛋没打铁就不错了。吃饭环境脏乱差,服务态度简直犯罪,这样的地方劝大家以后不要光顾。WORST RESTAURANT EVER! SPOILED FOOD! SHOCKING CUSTOMER SERVICE! They serve spoiled leftover food, and when you bring it to their attention, they send an eat-all performer (manager?) that comes to your table and eats the rotten food to demonstrate it's all good, and refuses to change the food or give you a refund. His performance was shocking to watch. On top of this, he returned to demand more tips, and insulted us with this: 'If you can't afford more tips, don't dine at a restaurant, stay home.' You know what, we're never coming back to this restaurant, and we're gonna make sure everyone we know don't waste their time and money here either. The place is loud, noisy, dirty, and criminally rude to their patrons. They will be out of business soon!